What is dry ice?
Dry ice is gaseous carbon dioxide with a temperature of -79° Celsius. Carbon dioxide occurs naturally in a gaseous form. It is non-poisonous an odorless. It is commonly used in fizzy drinks to intensify their flavor and to enhance storage life. Other fields of application include the food industry (to cool food) and health care.

How is dry ice produced?
Dry ice is created by changing the pressure in gaseous carbon dioxide. First, the gas is put in its liquid state. By pumping the liquid C02 through a metering valve the pressure is reduced significantly which decreases the temperature down to -79° Celsius. This dramatic change in temperature leads to the C02 turning into a kind of snow which is then pressed through the holes of a pressure piston to produce dry ice pellets.

Cleaning with dry ice
Blasting surfaces is a modern means of industrial cleaning. This process consists of three
basicfactors: Kinetic energy, thermic shock and sublimation. At the end of this process the pnly remains are dirt and other secondary wastes. Therefore, dry ice blasting is a highly effective method of industrial cleaning - whilst still being gentle on the surfaces and environmentally safe.

Supply of dry ice
Our company offers two basic ways of supplying dry ice:

1. Direct purchase - recommended for smaller required quantities. Dry ice can be stored in special thermal boxes for up to seven days without degradation.

2. On-site production - by purchasing our equipment you ensure a continuous supply of dry ice in the required quantity

Comparison with other cleaning methods

A desire to increase productivity and efficiency, strict environmental preservation standards and, not least, the safety of staff members while cleaning and maintaining technical facilities all require the application of modern technology.
Dry ice meets these requirements und is becoming an important alternative to conventional methods.
Since no disassembling and reassembling is required, blasting machine parts with dry ice saves an enormous amount of time.
Blasting surfaces with abrasive elements (such as glass pearls or synthetic granules) damages the surface and leads to a reduced life span.


Dry ice pellets are non-abrasive and are easy on surfaces.

Using abrasive materials can lead to residue on the surfaces which can have a drastically negative effect on the production process. Dry ice pellets evaporate during the cleaning process and therefore avoid this risk.
Residue of abrasive materials requires special cleaning and disposal and conventional blasting devices often require very expensive maintenance. Dry ice does not leave any residue - the particles evaporate during the cleaning process.
Toxic solvents require special disposal, as well. Dry ice does not require any disposal at all as the particles evaporate during the cleaning process.
Halogenated carbon hydrides and other cleaning materials have a negatiVe impact on your health and the environment.
Dry ice is nontoxic.
Using toxic solvents is subject to strict limitations as required by law! 7here are no limitations for the use of dry ice.
High pressure cleaning with water
High pressure cleaning with water damages the surfaces you are cleaning. Dry ice pellets are nonabrasive and do not damage surfaces. Cah t be used to clean electrical systems.
Dry ice is nonconductive and can be used to clean electrical systems. Water and dissolved wastes have to be separated before disposal. Using dry ice does not leave any secondary waste. Cleaned surfaces and devices take a long time to dry properly.
Using dry ice is an absolutely dry process which minimizes
downtime caused by the cleaning process.